The need for cashless in the European vending grows, Coges has the suitable solution for you

The recent research carried out by EVA on the vending market informs us that, following the crisis caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, in all Europe is increased the interest in the cashless payment in a significant way:  41% of the Operators foresee a higher request of payment solutions without cash. The reasons are easy to be realized: the news on the media and the fears for the infection have driven the consumers of all the world to limit the use of cash, even at excessive extent – according to somebody – to the real risk. As a consequence the shops and the restaurants are now preferring the use of the POS and the credit cards, both in order to reduce the exposure of their employees and to reassure the customers. In Italy the amount of transactions of electronic commerce increased in April of 80%, according to McKinsey & Company, more than 40% of the business owners affirm that the customers increased the contactless payments.

In the vending market there are different technologies which can satisfy the request of a cashless payment method, which benefit of a higher or lower popularity also because of the consolidated habits in the different national markets. In Italy, both the Operators and the users of the automatic vending machines are widely used to the convenience of the rechargeable MyKey key, the mostly representative product of  Coges catalogue. All know this pocket-size electronic memory, that in its different variations is nowadays a fundamental companion of each coffee break! The operation is extremely simple: the user recharges his personal key by inserting some coins or bills in the suitable validators and uses it till the credit is finished. The MIFARE or LEGIC supports operate in the same way. These devices permit an interaction with the cash delimited in time and limited to the moment of recharge and are therefore enough sure for most of the vending locations.

In the last years the payment by means of applications for smartphone achieved resounding success, which permit to the Operator a higher interaction with the consumer and make available some efficient tools of analysis and a lot of data on the preferences and the consumptions of the users. This solution is another valid alternative to the cash in the phase of fight against the COVID-19. The Pay4Vend Coges app foresees for this reason the recharge both by cash and credit cards: as a consequence the user can limit or even completely avoid the use of the cash for the payment to the vending machine.

In Europe, finally, the use of the credit cards in the vending field was till now limited to the crowded public locations, even though some national markets represent some remarkable exceptions. The current contingency could represent a turning point even for this technology. The users are accustomed to the most frequent use of their credit cards, maybe in a virtualized way on the smartphone or even on the smartwatch. A credit card reader like Coges PMT Nebular Pay could be the ideal product to intercept the new needs also in terms of hygiene or safety: compatible with all the contactless cards, it avoids not only the use of the cash for the payment but also the contact or the insertion of the credit card in the reader, reducing the need for clean or sanitation  of the device. In addition to the purchase from the vending machine, the credit card reader can be used for the recharge of the MyKey keys or the MIFARE supports directly on the machine or by means of dedicated recharge stations.

Rechargeable supports, applications for smartphone, credit cards… Whatever is the future of the vending in Europe, all the forecasts tell us that the cashless will play a more and more important role in the payment solutions. Choose the technology which is most suitable for your locations and for the needs of your customers and contact the Coges dealer or the nearest reference sales person. Expert in cashless for thirty-five years, Coges will always be at your side to support and help you to develop with the most innovative solutions in the market.

Coges completes its product range with a new Credit Card Reader

Coges launches the PMT Nebular Pay Credit Card Reader into the market, which is ideal in the vending for the electronic payment with contactless credit and debit credit card with the same simplicity of a key and card reader.

Nebular Pay guarantees a user experience of immediate understanding:” promises Mario Majo, Coges Commercial Director, “To make the payment it is enough to near the credit card or the smartphone to the Reader, without entering any PIN or press any button, while the amounts and the messages are displayed on the vending machine. Also for the payment with Apple Pay, Google Pay or Samsung Pay virtual cards it is not necessary to download any application. Our aim is to propose a credit card reader which does not imply a complicated or unusual experience for the user, but which is coherent with the habits we are already familiar to in our everyday life.”

With reduced dimensions and easy installation, the new reader is available in two different versions: for E.C.S. Coges Engine System and for Unica Change-giver Coin mechanism. It does not need of dedicated connectivity (SIM, modem, etc.) because the communication with the bank is guaranteed by the activation of Nebular connectivity service: in this way the connection is directly managed by Coges payment system and all Nebular services are enabled (remote refund, remote programming, remote change of prices and much more).

Compatible with all the circuits of credit and debit credit card (Visa, Mastercard, VPay, Maestro…) and with the virtual wallets (Google Pay, Apple Pay, etc.), it foresees a fast transfer of the money on the bank account of the Customer.

Small and versatile, the new PMT Nebular Pay Reader is suitable for the more specific needs of the market with performances and payment methods alternative to the cash.

Remote controlling of the distribution of masks and PPE

Cashless Coges Systems represent an opportunity for the Operator who desires to offer to the locations an essential service such as the distribution of masks and other types of PPE, permitting the free distribution only to whom are entitled and by keeping under control in real time the product stock to avoid any lack or  waste.

Discover our guide to solutions for dispensing masks and PPE with Coges payment systems.

While it seems that finally the health situation is coming back to normality, to speed up the passing of the crisis the public health authorities recommend the social distancing and where this is not possible , the adoption of Personal Prevention Equipment such as masks and gloves and the use of disinfectant gel. These necessary tools have become in short time integral part of our life even and moreover on the working place where every day we live in contact with colleagues, customers and suppliers. How to guarantee a precise safe and controlled distribution, of these devices to the employee? The channel of automatic distribution is surely one of the most suitable, as it avoids the direct contact between the persons and it hugely limits the risks of contamination. Furthermore, the public or private employer should not use some internal resources to these activities by subtracting them to much productive tasks.

Coges answer to this need with Coges Engine Plus and Unica System, which permit the vending operators  to give a rapid answer to the Customers’ needs, by exploiting the vending machines already installed. On these payment systems it is possible to get some free sales by means of the MyKey or MIFARE supports  on specific price lines, which could be devoted to the masks or to other EEP for the employees. Thanks to the controlled sales, furthermore, it is possible to limit the withdrawal of a defined number of PPE by day or by week, avoiding thus any waste. The same limit can be differentiated per key category /MIFARE, granting a higher number of PPE to some particular categories of employees who don’t have particular needs: for example maximum 3 masks per day could be distributed to the workers of the plant  and 2 masks per day to the employees in the office, also exploiting the same vending machine. If the employer desires that the free distribution of masks occurs only during the working time, it is enough to set on the payment system  some time schedules with differentiated prices as well (gratis/ on payment). Furthermore the Operator can add to his offer some high margin products such as the disinfectant gel, preventing the users from going to the pharmacy and buy them.

All the data concerning the distribution can be recorded by means of pendrive, but the activation of Coges Nebular connectivity service adds, in the case of the PPE as well, all the advantages of the remote management: first of all the possibility of monitoring the product stock in real time. In this way a constant level of supply can be guaranteed, also setting some alarms which warn when the reserve on a specific price nears to the minimum. Nebular, registers in real time all the sales, free sales included.  The service permits to display on which vending machine the sale was carried out, and permits moreover to display on which vending machine the sale was carried out, the exact date and time  of the withdrawal and even the serial code of the key or the MIFARE support which made the purchase. This precision contributes to avoid the abuses and to guarantee all the devices they are entitled. Nebular also helps to reduce the frequency and the length of the visit to the vending machines on the Operator’s side with time schedules, they can be updated directly by the office, Coges and Nebular time schedules can be remote updated directly by the office. Coges and Nebular payment systems permit the setting of the a different VAT among the different price lines, offering the possibility to sell food products not in the same vending machine (in this case it can be necessary the change of description on the site of the Income Revenue Authority).

Thanks to Coges and Nebular systems the Operator could supply a new service to his customers by using the vending machine already used, guaranteeing a monitor of the reserve of the distribution even with report which ca be exported.  At the same time the employers and the employee could go on to operate with the maximum safety, with respect of the law and healthy needs.



E.C.S. Dynamos, Coges presents the “baby” of the family

The range of the payment systems of the house from Vicenza grows thanks to a new payment system suitable for the machines with reduced dimensions.

Coges introduces to the vending market the new Dynamos cashless payment system, ideal for the Operators who desire to offer the payment by key in vending machines with little dimensions as well. Dynamos integrates the range of Coges systems, by placing it by side of the high quality Coges Engine to take some essential advantages of the cashless on all the vending machines: early takings, possibility to program some multiple price lines and data recording even from the connected MDB peripherals.

Coges experience allowed us to reduce the size of the system.” highlights Mario Majo, Coges commercial director “In this way the Operator can offer the payment by key even on table-top machines. We know that in the  Vending world there are many realities that at the moment don’t need the bonuses and the plus functions offered by the Engine but that at the same time need a system by key to control the consumptions and the accounting data. The Operators want an essential system but sturdy and of high quality, designed by a company they can trust: Dynamos is the answer to their request.

E.C.S. Dynamos System stays comfortably on a palm of a hand and is available both in MyKey version (with Coges Key 3 Reader) and in MIFARE version, so that it is compatible with any type of support used. As regards the peripherals it is possible to connect a Change-giver coin mechanism, a bill validator or a coin validator. There is also an MDB Dynamos version which can be connected as slave peripheral to a change-giver already in use, increasing the versatility of use of the system. Dynamos is furthermore compatible with the BTDataKey for a rapid sending of the accounting data to a smartphone for the transmission of the payment due.

Dynamos system was thought for people who desire a simple programming and the presence of all basic functions. Coges always aims to offer to his customers the best service and the most innovative technological products” adds Matteo Pegoraro, Coges R&D manager. “From this point of view Dynamos represents a further step forward:  the challenge was to maintain our excellent standards in a compact product, without giving in compromises on quality and safety.”

The cashless is the most appreciated payment mode in the vending machine world: it reduces the frequency of the use of the cash, it offers to the users a personal payment tool more hygienic and it permits the Operator to cash the sale early  with respect to the distribution of the product. If Coges Engine is the reference product for the more Operators, Dynamos System permits now to exploit these advantages even on the vending machines where the installation was complicated by the reduced space or by the high costs of the hardware.

Little, dynamic and reliable: the new Dynamos system represents the ideal proposal for who wants to grow in vending.

COVID-2019 epidemiological emergency

Coges informs that our production, warehouse and product quality control departments are regularly operating on site, maintaining all essential services, the reception and the shipment of the goods in Italy and abroad included. The other company departments have been organized in smart working mode to continue ensuring the efficiency of the work.

The Customer Service service remains operational at 0039 0445 502811 (1).

The company is seriously  engaged in the protection of his employees, Customers and Suppliers and the public health with a full respect of current regulations.

Coges’ MyKey becomes “smart” and takes you to the web

Coges is proud to present the new generation of MyKey rechargeable cashless keys, already available for purchase. With the new version, Coges intends to transform MyKey into a point of contact between the physical media and the Internet of vending, without sacrificing the solidity of proprietary technology and the simplicity of use that make this product an indispensable element of the coffee break. The evolution of MyKey passes through the unprecedented possibility of connecting to a “showcase” on the web (product pending patent), which also represents a communication platform between the Operator and his customers.

This is an important technological innovation for the world of vending.” Mario Majo, commercial director of Coges says “The web showcase connected to MyKey allows the user not only to read the information on his key, but also to send information directly to the Operator, a service previously impossible for a physical token. Thanks to the integration with our Nebular connectivity service, the Operator now has a tool to get in direct contact with end users of the vending machine without leaving their office, send refunds on a specific fob and analyze habits of consumption of his customers in greater detail. These are just some of the functions currently implemented: the development potential is extended.

MyKey is a small electronic memory, ideal for holding a credit and making purchases on unattended points of sale such as vending machines. With over 30 million tokens on the European market, MyKey has been for over fifteen years one of the most known and loved rechargeable media for vending machines in Italy and abroad. The novelties of the new series are not limited to integration with the Cloud world: the physical token has also changed, with a new design and 5 brilliant colours that will not fail to attract attention. The new MyKey is compatible with all Coges Key readers of the second and third generation. Thanks to the new technology adopted for the key manufacturing, moreover, it is possible to print the Operator’s logo directly on the key with a personalized, accurate and long-lasting laser engraving.

The connection between MyKey and the web showcase is immediate. On one side of the new MyKey there is a QR code, a simple technology known by everyone: by framing the QR code with your smartphone, the user will be directed to a page already personalized with the logo, colours and contact information chosen by the Operator. The MyKey web showcase can do even more for Operators who use Nebular, the connectivity service provided by Coges. In this case, the user registered on the web showcase has access to exclusive functions such as reading their credit on the key, sending feedback, contacting the Operator and viewing their purchasing history. Registered MyKey users and their messages are automatically integrated into the Nebular platform: in this way the Operator will be able to view the feedback received, respond to requests, check all transactions (purchases and top-ups) made on the connected vending machines and even send a refund to the user, remotely topping-up the credit on MyKey.

Being close to the customer is essential for a service like this.” confirms Alberto Conte, Site Director of Coges “The web showcase extends to the key the typical advantages of mobile solutions, but at the same time offers the Operator a dedicated and customized space: a way to make your business known and give importance to your brand. Each web showcase is, in practice, a page distinct from the others, of which the Operator is the protagonist. It is also a service that could make a difference in the case of public or private tenders.

Practical, lively and ever smarter: in 2020 MyKey continues to be the symbol of Coges, a bridge between electronic technology and innovation more and more driven towards connectivity and software solutions.

The Absolute Vending Experience welcomes you at Vendibérica 2019

With the Engine system, Coges increasingly aims to meet all the needs of the Operator, integrating cashless with the other products in its range to offer the most complete business experience in this industry. At the Vendibérica exhibition in Madrid, a fundamental event for European Vending, Coges will present Nebular, the new connectivity service that expands the functionality of Coges Engine.

Nebular is an integrated hardware and software solution that allows information to be transmitted bidirectionally to and from the payment system, including real-time sales data and allowing the updating of prices, parameters and firmware. Nebular also allows you to send credit refunds directly to the end user, manage a product database through an intuitive planogram and remotely update the firmware and databases. Connectivity can simplify our lives and improve our work: you can count on Coges’ experience to effortlessly connect your entire machine park to the network with Nebular.

Together with the Pay4Vend application for purchase with a smartphone in the vending machine, these innovations demonstrate how the potential of Coges Engine allows an increasingly rapid evolution for automatic distribution.

The Madrid event will also include the presentation of the other products of the Coges range, including the new Creos banknote reader. Creos has been redesigned in some key components to bring its reliability and safety to even higher levels, while maintaining mechanical and software compatibility with the previous version.

Coges continues to innovate to offer you all the advantages that technology can bring to Vending. We invite you to discover with us the Absolute Vending Experience at stand 7C08 in Vendibérica!

Bonus and benefits for end users thanks to Coges Engine

Enhance the buying experience of your customers with numerous bonus and benefits and optimize sales of all your products.

The bonus are prizes payable in the cashless purchase mode and they allow the crediting of a recharge value or the delivery of a free sale.
There are numerous types of bonus, all of which are programmable from a PC through the Visual Programmer. Some of them are also settable through the E.C.S. Programmer.
The main bonus available for Coges Engine are:

Recharge Bonus: the credit can take place on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

Free sale: it grants a free product after a certain amount of purchase.

Banknotes top-up: the credit takes place when a banknote is inserted.

Start your journey in the Absolute vending Experience with this brief video or read the flyer to learn more!

Coges awaits you at the 2019 EVEX event

Organized on the 16th and 17th of October in the elegant setting of Lake Maggiore, the EVEX event will once again represent an unique opportunity for vending companies to show their products, to close the distances between their customers and to take part at the traditional EVA conference, the European Vending Association that celebrates its 25th anniversary this year.

Coges will wait for you in the halls of the Grand Hotel Dino for the presentation of all the innovation of Nebular, the most complete connectivity solution on the market. The new specifications of this solutions are numerous and involve all the most essential elements of a vending company, from the payment systems programming to over the air refunds, coins and banknotes database update, the online management of alarmsproducts and much more. For more information, visit our website or come and meet us at the EVEX event.

Coges Engine: a multi-media system

Managing a location is never easy due to the many variables that has to be taken in consideration. The increased competition or the changes that affect consumption habits are just a few examples but they make it clear that the operator must always be up to date and ready to change the procedures of his own vending company. To get closer to the consumers’ needs, Coges Engine is therefore characterized by an increasingly higher level of flexibility thanks to the possibility of coordinating various cashless media. Depending on the reader connected, Coges Engine supports MyKey, Mifare, Legic and – thanks to an optional Bluetooth module – Pay4Vend, an App designed by Coges for the purchase via smartphone. The management of several alternatives of cashless media makes this electronic system the best ally to face all the challenges of vending and it guarantees great usability to your machine for years, savings on management costs and allowing a potential increase in the number of consumers.

Do you need more info?