Conjugate the advantages of a mobile solution with the practicality of the physical key
10 Nov

During the last years the mobile payment solutions have found an increasing success in the vending world as well: there are many applications which permit to purchase some products on the vending machine by paying with the smartphone. The advantages of this technology are many, starting from the possibility of transforming the smartphone that the user has in his pocket in a support for payment. Furthermore, by means of the apps for payment the Operator can build a bidirectional communication channel with the user, make himself know, receive or send messages. Finally the payment apps,  go generally  with the tools of the  Backoffice which offer to the Operator the possibility of monitoring the purchases and the credit recharges, of planning some promotions or discounts and in general of collecting information on the purchase habits of the users, to feed the marketing experts in order to improve the sale performances.

The applications for smartphone, however, have some limits which cannot always be overcome. In many locations it is not allowed to take the smartphone during the coffee break or it is not practical: just think about the school or to the manufacturing departments of the industry. Some apps can need a phone coverage in order to function (this is not the case of Pay4Vend) and this is not available everywhere. The apps themselves, as much as they are well-designed, can be unavailable for all the models and the versions of the operating systems for smartphone and offer a user experience less immediate compared to the traditional supports. In all these cases both the user and the Operator will find themselves to regret the simple use of the classic rechargeable key, even if they don’t want to renounce to the advantages of the digital technology.

Nevertheless there is a system to get the best of the two worlds: the practicality of a cashless key and the connectivity of an application. As a matter of fact Coges has designed a new generation of MyKey keys as a contact point between the physical support and the digital experience, thanks to the original possibility of accessing a web showcase (product waiting for a patent). This service extends to the key the typical advantages of the mobile solutions, exploiting at the same time the versatility and the simple use of a support which is present in a widespread way on the market as is MyKey key. In which way?

The web showcase of the new MyKey keys is a page dedicated to the Operator, where the user can enter with his smartphone by means of a QR code and register as he would do on an app. By opening a web showcase, the user could display a digital version of the label normally present on the vending machine, with the phone number and the e-mail address for contact, always updated and available for the Customer. Each web showcase is a different page from the others, with the logo and the colours chosen by the Operator: the brand and the trademark of the business management are highlighted also thanks to the parallel laser etching of the Operator’s logo on the MyKey keys.

The maximum potential of the web showcase reveals in the integration with Nebular, Coges platform to connect the payment system of the vending machine to the Internet network. Nebular permits to the Operator to make a firmware remote update of its systems and the coin and bill database, to detect some alarms and accounting data, to program the operating parameters and to manage the product stock with a simple planogram.

In the locations where the vending machines are connected to the Nebular platform, the access to the web showcase will offer to the registered user the same functions which he could find on the app: display its own credit on the key, send a feedback on the products, on the vending machine or the service, look up the log of the consumptions or send directly a message to the Operator. In case of the web showcase these functions can be accessed not only by smartphone, but also by a desktop computer or tablet; furthermore, as this is a web-based service, they are available for any model of phone and don’t need for complex updates on the Operator’s side.

Even in this case, as it happens for the apps, all the transactions carried out by the user with his MyKey key are registered on the web portal: in this way the Operator can access an updated registration of his users and can see the amount of purchases and recharges, analyze his sale data and plan some marketing strategies  and focused promotions. If an Operator intends to exploit the big data in order to survey the consumption of his customers, analyze the behaviours and implement some more  effective marketing strategies to increase the sales, he will find on Nebular all the data he needs. In the daily operation, the Operator has access to all the messages received by the users to intervene in a fast and precise way where it is necessary a maintenance or a restore of the product stock and can answer to the requests of the single user also by sending the refund or a bonus to a specific MyKey key.

For the customers who use the Nebular platform, the web showcase requires only an activation contribution for the etching of the logo on the keys, without additional monthly fee or update costs.  If you don’t want to renounce to the practicality of the key, but you desire to improve the service offered to the users with an interactive application which is always connected, contact your Coges area manager and find out how to customize the new MyKey key and activate the web showcase.

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Nebular expands its functions with the new LAN-WIFI kit
02 Nov

Coges adds to its range of accessories for the payment systems a new kit for the connection to the LAN network and the Wi-Fi one, which is compatible with cashless Coges Engine System and Unica Change-giver Coin mechanism. The kit offers a new connection option to the Nebular platform for Vending, perfect above all for the locations  which offer an access to the network via cable or Wi-Fi and for the vending machines where the network connection is already present, for example by means of a router with SIM card installed in the vending machine. In this way the payment system will be able to exploit the existing connection.

The connectivity in the payment systems is more and more requested and appreciated at the moment, also in view of the current needs of distance” observes Matteo Pegoraro, Coges R&D manager. “Thanks to this new accessory we introduce an alternative for all the vending machines which access an independent connection and want to make a network with the payment systems as well, with all the advantages which follow in terms of firmware update, remote credit refund, change of configuration parameters, recording of sale data, real time alarms and much more. The LAN-WIFI kit is conceived for the connection to the Nebular platform, which in this way becomes even more versatile.”

The LAN-WIFI expansion kit offers a valid alternative to the 2G/4G connection, which is currently the more exploited for the connection to Nebular. The kit includes a safety battery pack and is suitable to be connected to two temperature probes and a sensor for door opening.

The new Nebular LAN-WIFI connectivity kit is available in two versions: Engine and Unica. The first is installed inside the Engine plastic shell, the second includes an external shell which is connected to Unica Change-giver Coin mechanism with a direct cable.

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Coges completes its product range with a new Credit Card Reader
22 Jul

Coges launches the PMT Nebular Pay Credit Card Reader into the market, which is ideal in the vending for the electronic payment with contactless credit and debit credit card with the same simplicity of a key and card reader.

Nebular Pay guarantees a user experience of immediate understanding:” promises Mario Majo, Coges Commercial Director, “To make the payment it is enough to near the credit card or the smartphone to the Reader, without entering any PIN or press any button, while the amounts and the messages are displayed on the vending machine. Also for the payment with Apple Pay, Google Pay or Samsung Pay virtual cards it is not necessary to download any application. Our aim is to propose a credit card reader which does not imply a complicated or unusual experience for the user, but which is coherent with the habits we are already familiar to in our everyday life.”

With reduced dimensions and easy installation, the new reader is available in two different versions: for E.C.S. Coges Engine System and for Unica Change-giver Coin mechanism. It does not need of dedicated connectivity (SIM, modem, etc.) because the communication with the bank is guaranteed by the activation of Nebular connectivity service: in this way the connection is directly managed by Coges payment system and all Nebular services are enabled (remote refund, remote programming, remote change of prices and much more).

Compatible with all the circuits of credit and debit credit card (Visa, Mastercard, VPay, Maestro…) and with the virtual wallets (Google Pay, Apple Pay, etc.), it foresees a fast transfer of the money on the bank account of the Customer.

Small and versatile, the new PMT Nebular Pay Reader is suitable for the more specific needs of the market with performances and payment methods alternative to the cash.

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E.C.S. Dynamos, Coges presents the “baby” of the family
03 Jun

The range of the payment systems of the house from Vicenza grows thanks to a new payment system suitable for the machines with reduced dimensions.

Coges introduces to the vending market the new Dynamos cashless payment system, ideal for the Operators who desire to offer the payment by key in vending machines with little dimensions as well. Dynamos integrates the range of Coges systems, by placing it by side of the high quality Coges Engine to take some essential advantages of the cashless on all the vending machines: early takings, possibility to program some multiple price lines and data recording even from the connected MDB peripherals.

Coges experience allowed us to reduce the size of the system.” highlights Mario Majo, Coges commercial director “In this way the Operator can offer the payment by key even on table-top machines. We know that in the  Vending world there are many realities that at the moment don’t need the bonuses and the plus functions offered by the Engine but that at the same time need a system by key to control the consumptions and the accounting data. The Operators want an essential system but sturdy and of high quality, designed by a company they can trust: Dynamos is the answer to their request.

E.C.S. Dynamos System stays comfortably on a palm of a hand and is available both in MyKey version (with Coges Key 3 Reader) and in MIFARE version, so that it is compatible with any type of support used. As regards the peripherals it is possible to connect a Change-giver coin mechanism, a bill validator or a coin validator. There is also an MDB Dynamos version which can be connected as slave peripheral to a change-giver already in use, increasing the versatility of use of the system. Dynamos is furthermore compatible with the BTDataKey for a rapid sending of the accounting data to a smartphone for the transmission of the payment due.

Dynamos system was thought for people who desire a simple programming and the presence of all basic functions. Coges always aims to offer to his customers the best service and the most innovative technological products” adds Matteo Pegoraro, Coges R&D manager. “From this point of view Dynamos represents a further step forward:  the challenge was to maintain our excellent standards in a compact product, without giving in compromises on quality and safety.”

The cashless is the most appreciated payment mode in the vending machine world: it reduces the frequency of the use of the cash, it offers to the users a personal payment tool more hygienic and it permits the Operator to cash the sale early  with respect to the distribution of the product. If Coges Engine is the reference product for the more Operators, Dynamos System permits now to exploit these advantages even on the vending machines where the installation was complicated by the reduced space or by the high costs of the hardware.

Little, dynamic and reliable: the new Dynamos system represents the ideal proposal for who wants to grow in vending.

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Coges’ MyKey becomes “smart” and takes you to the web
24 Feb

Coges is proud to present the new generation of MyKey rechargeable cashless keys, already available for purchase. With the new version, Coges intends to transform MyKey into a point of contact between the physical media and the Internet of vending, without sacrificing the solidity of proprietary technology and the simplicity of use that make this product an indispensable element of the coffee break. The evolution of MyKey passes through the unprecedented possibility of connecting to a “showcase” on the web (product pending patent), which also represents a communication platform between the Operator and his customers.

This is an important technological innovation for the world of vending.” Mario Majo, commercial director of Coges says “The web showcase connected to MyKey allows the user not only to read the information on his key, but also to send information directly to the Operator, a service previously impossible for a physical token. Thanks to the integration with our Nebular connectivity service, the Operator now has a tool to get in direct contact with end users of the vending machine without leaving their office, send refunds on a specific fob and analyze habits of consumption of his customers in greater detail. These are just some of the functions currently implemented: the development potential is extended.

MyKey is a small electronic memory, ideal for holding a credit and making purchases on unattended points of sale such as vending machines. With over 30 million tokens on the European market, MyKey has been for over fifteen years one of the most known and loved rechargeable media for vending machines in Italy and abroad. The novelties of the new series are not limited to integration with the Cloud world: the physical token has also changed, with a new design and 5 brilliant colours that will not fail to attract attention. The new MyKey is compatible with all Coges Key readers of the second and third generation. Thanks to the new technology adopted for the key manufacturing, moreover, it is possible to print the Operator’s logo directly on the key with a personalized, accurate and long-lasting laser engraving.

The connection between MyKey and the web showcase is immediate. On one side of the new MyKey there is a QR code, a simple technology known by everyone: by framing the QR code with your smartphone, the user will be directed to a page already personalized with the logo, colours and contact information chosen by the Operator. The MyKey web showcase can do even more for Operators who use Nebular, the connectivity service provided by Coges. In this case, the user registered on the web showcase has access to exclusive functions such as reading their credit on the key, sending feedback, contacting the Operator and viewing their purchasing history. Registered MyKey users and their messages are automatically integrated into the Nebular platform: in this way the Operator will be able to view the feedback received, respond to requests, check all transactions (purchases and top-ups) made on the connected vending machines and even send a refund to the user, remotely topping-up the credit on MyKey.

Being close to the customer is essential for a service like this.” confirms Alberto Conte, Site Director of Coges “The web showcase extends to the key the typical advantages of mobile solutions, but at the same time offers the Operator a dedicated and customized space: a way to make your business known and give importance to your brand. Each web showcase is, in practice, a page distinct from the others, of which the Operator is the protagonist. It is also a service that could make a difference in the case of public or private tenders.

Practical, lively and ever smarter: in 2020 MyKey continues to be the symbol of Coges, a bridge between electronic technology and innovation more and more driven towards connectivity and software solutions.

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Keep your fleet in your pocket thanks to the new Nebular app
14 May

From today it is even easier to keep your entire fleet under control: Coges has in fact released the Nebular application for iOS and Android smartphones.

The app allows you to access a part of the Nebular service’s functionalities: for example you will be able to see in real time the status of the connected vending machines, identifying the low-connected machines and those with a stock of products running out. Thanks to push notifications, you can also receive an immediate communication in case of an alarm. In the end, Nebular app provides you with a quick overview of the value of receipts, divided into “cash sales” and “cashless sales”. Convenient as a reminder at a glance! Don’t like apps? No problem, Nebular service is available in full version through browser or in your management software through API. For more information, visit the Nebular page on our website.

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Coges presents the Caesium MDB
11 Mar
Coges presents the Caesium MDB, the new coin validator working according to the MDB protocol, suitable for vending machines of any size. The MDB version, unlike the basic version, is equipped with a USB port for programming the tokens, programming the databases and updating the firmware.
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Discover Joyco at Vendex North 2018
13 Nov

Today, Tuesday 13th November, Coges presents Joyco at Vendex North in Manchester, UK.
The app Joyco allows you to customize the drink and pay it at the vending machine directly through a mobile device, ensuring the security of online payment through Apple Pay, Paypal or credit card.
This app can be used to select the drink directly on a smartphone, choosing the quantity of ingredients, saving the favourite recipe.
Joyco provides the consumer with a significant improvement in comfort and user experience, eliminating the mandatory use of cash on all machines with Coges Engine or Unica and allowing the complete personalization of Azkoyen and Coffetek Hot Drink machine drinks.
Joyco is an innovative technological solution that facilitates a direct communication channel between the operator and the client.
Furthermore, the operator will have the possibility to collect data and consumption statistics that could be analyzed.
This app can also be used in environments without Internet signal through Bluetooth connection between the smartphone and the vending machine.
Discover Joyco at Vendex North, we will wait for you!

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Coges presents Creos, the new bill validator
07 Oct

Coges presents Creos, the most innovative bill validator in the Vending sector, which will be available for purchase from early October.

Creos is the heir of Lithos. It was born to make the bill acceptance and the usability of the validator more reliable and efficient even in conditions of high and persistent stress. All this was achieved by means of a new polycarbonate bezel and an improved driving system compared to the models already present on the market.

Thanks to the 9 high precision optical signals installed in Creos, the machine can carry out the bill recognition, verify its alignment and read the entire surface accurately. In addition, the security of the bill validator is guaranteed by an optical anti-fishing system to prevent the inserted bill from being fished again, by a cash presence sensor and by a draining system protecting against liquids.

Another key strength of Creos is its flexibility of use and possibility of updating: the validator can be programmed with a simple pendrive, thanks to the side door, and is supplied complete with several bill databases, given by Coges free of charge.

All these features make Creos an ideal tool for the bill recognition, together with its capacity and its memory (it can hold up to 600 bills and store 100 models).

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Coges launches Pay4Vend 4.0
19 Apr

Pay4Vend, the revolutionary application of Coges for payment via smartphone to the vending machine, is ready to change face: the version 4.0 of the app provides a different interface that makes it even faster and easier to use. It includes new functions to improve performance and user satisfaction.

To learn more we invite you to discover Pay4Vend visiting the website or writing to for further information.

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